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Mason is now home (on Thursday September 22, 2011) and not accepting letters in Honduras anymore :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mason's letter -- October 25, 2010

Hey familia,

Well I did have transfers, and I’m really excited for the new changes. So this last transfer a whole bunch of zone leaders died (like half of them), so a whole bunch of elders got called to be a ZL. So yeah I’m now the zone leader here in the zone Fesitrahn. I’m in an area called Choloma. My companion is Elder Lopez from Bolivia. He is really funny and a big kid. He is going to finish the mission and die this transfer... in about 1 month. So it’s my first time killing an elder. But I’m really excited to be in this zone. It’s the zone that baptizes the most out of anyone in the whole country, so it should be really fun. I guess It’s like my prize for being stuck in the city for so long haha. It’s also a really big zone. It goes from right outside the city of San Pedro and goes all the way until the ocean to a city called Puerto Cortes. So as ZL I will get to travel to all the other areas and see everything, so that will be cool.

The city of Choloma is really cool. We are the only elders in this small city, and there is only one ward. But the ward is really big, like with 170 people in church every Sunday. It’s a really clean city and I love it. The area is really big, but I’m used to big areas. It also covers a little village a little ways away that has a small branch in it (Monterrey). So we get to go out there a lot and work in the branch. The little village over there is really small and chill and the people are really nice. The work here is going really well and we should have at least 10 baptisms in November. I like it out here because it has a lot of farms, open space, and jungle so it’s a good change from the city. We actually got kinda lost yesterday and when we looked around we were in the middle of the jungle haha, luckily we found our way out.

Choloma is also pretty close to the city, maybe like 40 minutes north, so going to meetings won’t be too hard. My comp is pretty ready to go home. He’s getting pretty baggie and I will have to help him stay focused on the work. But I really like him. I’m excited to be here for Christmas as well, it should be a great place to be for all that.

So this week has been great getting to know the area and the members. The members here are really cool and help us a lot in the work. It was kinda hard to leave my other area, but at the same time I was way ready to get out of there.

On Monday I did buy some shoes. they were only 50 dollars and are pretty nice and comfortable. So thanks a lot for that. On Tuesday I just had to go say goodbye to the members and investigators real quick and we had to go to the central park again to practice some contacts with the new elders. All the new elders graduated with me in ‘09 and they are really cool. They are a big group though of like 17 missionaries, which is good because 20 missionaries just went home on Wednesday. So we had the changes and stuff which was fun, so we didn’t get to do much work.

I’m really excited for this change and everything. I hope I can learn how to be a good ZL and I hope the zone can keep baptizing a lot. Also I need a favor. The stake here is interested in doing a thing like the Aaronic Priesthood in Action Camp, because I mentioned it to someone the other day. They want some info about it so that they can plan for it the next year. Maybe you can find some of my old stuff and send me some copies or something of like the 3-day schedule. if I don’t still have it then maybe you could ask the stake for last year’s schedule. That would be awesome, thanks!

Well I hope that’s enough info about my new area. I tried to fit a lot of details in. Maybe you can look it up on Google maps or something. Well I hope everything went great with the birthday party and everything. Tell Cal happy birthday!!

Love Elder Mason Cardon

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