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Mason is now home (on Thursday September 22, 2011) and not accepting letters in Honduras anymore :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mason's Letter -- February 12, 2011

Hey fam,

So I've already had a pretty crazy day today. I've been up and running around since 3:30 in the morning. I'll have to tell you the story when I get home because it's just too long to write haha. But everything's fine, I'm just really tired. This morning at 8 o'clock we went and played soccer again, except it was raining. But we just wanted to play anyway so we all played in the pouring rain and it was really fun. We were slipping everywhere and we got super wet, but I haven't done anything like that since before my mission.

So yeah kinda shocking about Brock joining the Air Force. that sounds really cool though, it should definitely be a great experience. And you're welcome for the pictures, if it looked like I was vacationing...it's because I was haha. No but really we did work hard, we just took a little break to take some pics haha. On the blog there are some good pics as well. All of the missionaries have been super jealous because they saw the pics on the blog haha. Oh well, what can I do?

So this week was spent here close to the city. Monday was a normal meeting and planning day. That morning we also invited the zone of Villanueva to play soccer here in San Pedro with the office because they had the most baptisms last month (39). On Tuesday we went to the zone La Lima to train the missionaries on some preach my Gospel (the district 2) stuff. So we went there and talked and did examples and practiced with them, then after that we went with the two areas that have had the least success in the zone. I went to Nuevo San Juan and worked with the missionaries there. It went really good and we taught a lot of lessons. We saw some people moving some furniture there, so we offered our help. When we arrived at the house with the furniture, we started talking to the lady and turns out that she was baptized a couple months ago and moved to this area. So she was looking for a church, but couldn't find it. So she was grateful that we had found her, also she had a few kids who aren't members and her husband isn't a member as well. Hopefully they can work with that family and get those people baptized.

On Wednesday we just finished divisions and went to El Carmen to teach some lessons. On Thursday we went to another zone, Satelite, to do the same thing that we did on Tuesday. Then we did divisions there. It was the most interesting division I've ever done. The senior companion there is super crazy, and he is about to go home, but he still struggles a lot with his Spanish. So the communication is really bad between the missionaries and the people. But he was just doing weird things the whole time like dancing in the street. or yelling inappropriate things to members in the street, or walking super fast to be like 3 blocks ahead of his companion. haha it was just weird. So I had to correct him a few times to help him and his comp out. His comp´s patience is running thin haha. So that was awkward, and kinda fun.

Then on Friday we just went to El Carmen again to teach. We are finding quite a few people to teach there considering the fact that we only work there for a couple hours each week. But on Sunday we had another baptism after church, and this Sunday she will be confirmed, so that was exciting. I think the members are starting to give us more references now that they are seeing that we want to work there as much as possible.

So I'm really sorry but that was my boring week. haha there really isn't that much to say about it because it was really normal. I haven't got the package yet but I hope to soon! Thanks for everything and thanks for making me index mom! I look back on it and am grateful that I did it and now I'm more interested in family history and stuff! Have a great week.
Love, Elder Mason Hanks Cardon

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