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Mason is now home (on Thursday September 22, 2011) and not accepting letters in Honduras anymore :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mason's Letter -- February 5, 2011

Hey family,

So this week was finally somewhat normal. Well actually not really, but at least today is a normal pday for us. We just got back from playing soccer on a nice artificial field that we found. So I wrote you last Monday when we were in La Ceiba. That night we just went on divisions with the zone leaders in their area. On Tuesday we went over to the zone of Colón to do the interviews. It was like a 2 hour drive from La Ceiba, and we got there a little late. On Wednesday we did the interviews in La Ceiba. Those went really good and we felt really positive with them. There are a bunch of great missionaries out there right now and that's where Elder Simon is now so it was cool to see him. That night we came back to San Pedro so it was like a 5 or 6 day trip in total. But it was really fun and we had some great experiences on the island and in the other parts of the mish.

As it turns out on Thursday we had to change out a secretary and the new secretary is Elder Guzman, my kid!!! So that's exciting . Then that night we had a fireside to do in a ward in Villanueva, about an hour away. It was like a combined mutual thing and there was a good turn out of youth. So we talked to them about the mission and got them excited about it. It went really well and Sister Veirs also had to speak. But this time I asked her to speak slower and only one sentence at a time and we got ourselves organized. So I was able to translate for her really well. I had no trouble at all and it went really smooth, so that was a huge improvement from the last couple of times.

On Friday we had the ZL council. The council went really good and we felt super positive with them. The last couple times we have felt like we were all in a slump but this time was awesome and we all seem like we are really doing all the right things. So we are all really excited (not animated) in the mission. The numbers are looking a lot better this month.

So that's been my week. Thanks for everything. I love you all

Elder Mason Cardon

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