Hey fam,
Well I just sent an email, but it didn't work, welcome to Honduras!! So here I am writing it all over again.
So this week was a pretty good one. Starting to feel the affects of 9 months here. Haha jk, but yeah I'm ready for a change and the pres promised me that I will have one. He told me that all I have to do is tell him where I want to go and he will send me there. But I told him that I was just going to stay quiet and he could decide and I would happily go wherever he wanted me to go. I didnt want to rule unjustly. So we will see where I will be headed off to. But this week we will plan the changes and all that fun stuff.
Last Saturday was probably the worst but most exciting day of my whole mission. But I think it's more of a story for when I get home, so ask me about it then. As for now you can all use your imagination.
Sunday was a good day of working in el Carmen. We found a single mother with her kids and had a great lesson with her. She was super skeptical of the church but we explained some things and felt the spirit with her and she will be coming with us tomorrow to church. Also we put a bapt date with a girlfriend of a future missionary for next weekend. So there are some high points there.
Monday I was going to go to Teguc, but that will have to wait until this Monday. Pres wanted us to stay and help him with the sisters pday. Fun fun! They decided they wanted to learn how to make like facial masks and junk like that. So the American sisters taught the Latin ones how to do all that. We dropped off their breakfast and pres told us "this is boring, let's get out of here" haha so luckily we didn't have to stay the whole time, and just had to run around and buy them their food and stuff.
Tuesday we finished up the interviews. Finally!!! No more revising area books for me!! Then on Wednesday we went to the Satelite Zone to do their zone meeting . They don't have a single baptism in the whole zone until this weekend. That really terrible in this mission, and looking at the zone it's a pretty week one this change. So we went to train them a bit and the pres gave a good lesson. After that we went on divisions to do some hands on training. I had a really great day that day and we got into a ton of houses and challenged absolutely everyone for baptism. Every single one said yes and a few accepted a specific date as well. So that was good, now they have a bunch of good people to work with. I was just watching them at first and they would just talk and talk and talk in the lessons and the investigator and I would just get super bored. I had to explain to them that teaching does not mean a talk in church. They were 100% teaching the lesson and not at all the person. So I taught them how to make inspired questions and how to make it more like a conversation. After that we had a lot of fun in the teaching.
Thursday we went to Villanueva, another zone that is struggling, to work a bit. We didn't get into as many houses but we did find a family that the relief society had given a Book of Mormon to and they were already reading it. That was way awesome. When I go on divisions I always feel sad leaving because I get to meet some great people or a cool investigator and I always want to continue to teach them. But oh well that's not my job. That night we felt the need to go to our own house and sleep evern though we were kinda far away. But we made the trip. Good thing because that night at 1030 I got a call from a scared member that said that one of the elders was going crazy. So we got dressed and left to go see what was happening, they live in an area in the mountain about 45 min away.
We got there and yeah he had gone crazy. He was just yelling about some yellow envelope he had seen in a vision of something. He has like connections with his twin brother. And a while ago his twin bro was in a different mission and got sent home. When he got sent home his twin that's in our mission had a vision of an airplane and he knew what was happening. So this time it happened, and he freaked out. He was way unstable emotionally. He was like crying then screaming then all mad or normal, and the whole time asking about a yellow envelope. So we gave him a blessing and the pres talked to him and we got him calmed down and took him home to our house to sleep. We got home at like almost one in the morning. But in the morning he seemed fine so we took him home. Crazy experience.
Today we went and played baseball. We found a field and some members who actually had gloves and bats and stuff. First time we had seen that, so we all went, the pres and us and the sect'ys and nurses. It was fun... My team won haha.
I hope you all have a great week. We have been working on the mission magazine this week and I designed the front page and it's sick, so I'll send you a pic of it I love you all. Good luck with the move and stuff.
Love Elder Mason Cardon
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- Mason is now home (on Thursday September 22, 2011) and not accepting letters in Honduras anymore :)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
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