Ahhh it feels good to be back in the field. It's different than the AP life though. I'm not gonna lie i kinda miss it. I felt like home sick the first day here, because Pres and Sister Veirs were like my parents basically. So it felt like leaving home again. But it has been fun. I already told you I think about where I am and all and who I'm with. It has definitely been a lot of work. We didn't know any of the city or the members or anything so it was difficult at first. But some kids from the branch met us at the bus stop the first day and showed us all around. So that was good.
The missionaries that were here left the area in really good condition actually, and they were super upset that they had to leave. Here there has been a long drought without baptism... but they baptized one 15 year old the day they left and we confirmed him yesterday. Also they left 2 families. We have been working hard with them and one is committed to get married and baptized at the end of the month (familia Pineda). we need to work with the father of the other family (fam Bautista). Also we put a baptismal date with one of their investigators for this weekend, she's an old lady and friend of a member. So things are going great.
The members are way cool, and although it's a small branch we feel like we have a lot of support. The branch pres is amazing. He is the only thing keeping everything together here. His counselors have gone inactive, so we are going to be his counselors. We have really tried to gain his confidence. I brought a new shirt and 2 ties for him from the office and gave that to him and he liked it a lot and wore it on Sunday.
Usually the attendance is like 45 or so here, but yesterday it was a great day with 75 people in church. We also had 7 investigators, so that was also great. One new lady showed up as well who we had contacted the second day we were here. It was raining and we had got wet, and I thought about going to the house to change my soaking wet shoes... but I knew that would waste time and throw everything off. So we just kept contacting houses, and we found that lady and she went to church. So the sacrifice was worth it.
We have found some good people to teach and I feel like the possibilities are opening up a lot. I really like it here and it's sooo beautiful. It's really out here in the middle of nowhere, and it's surrounded by huge mountains. It's still way untouched by modern or American influence, so the traditions here are native. I love it.
My comp is great. He has commented that he is the most tired now than any time in his life. haha I worry sometimes that I push him too much. I remember how hard it was for me my first days. But we just jumped right into the work. On friday when we went to the zone conference, we have to travel in bus like 3 hours. Well on the way back my comp got really sick (the food finally got to him) and started throwing up in the bus... poor kid... got some on my pants.... gross. So he was feeling way sick that day. But he didn't want to stay home, so we worked all that day. I was amazed. Yesterday we fasted as well so that we could have success. The first time fasting here is super hard because of the heat and walking, but he did it and it felt good.
I feel like I have such a short amount of time to make a change here. But I know that with the Lord's help, we will see miracles. We are already seeing them. I love this work and I know that it's true.
Oh, it was embarrassing in church when the branch pres introduced us to the work in sac meeting. He told everyone that I was the ex AP and made a whole shpeal about it. I went really red haha. Oh, and it's a lot different here. We meet in a house, and sac meeting we do outside. So a dog got in the gate and was running around all the members during the meeting. We took him out like 3 times but he kept getting in. So annoying. Elder Peterson was way shocked at how different it was.
But I love you all, thanks for all your support and prayers.
Love Elder Mason Cardon
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- Mason is now home (on Thursday September 22, 2011) and not accepting letters in Honduras anymore :)
Monday, August 15, 2011
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